An Attitude of Gratitude

This challenge blog will remain available indefinitely. The linky tool is now closed and the comments box removed. However if you wish to share your work the Facebook group is still open. There is a link on each blog post to the step by step journal pages on my personal blog.

Thursday 20 September 2012

Thankful Thursday: Why?

First of all, thank you for joining me today for my first Thankful Thursday blog post.  Today I want to tell you why I've set up the blog and why it's a good idea to develop an attitude of gratitude.

Not that I have totally conquered the attitude thing but I hope we can learn how to do it together.

So why the blog?
It started out that I wanted to set up a challenge blog for some art journaling friends that I've met in a group on Facebook.  And then through various books I was reading I knew that I needed to develop a more wholehearted life.  To take a more positive outlook.  To be more thankful.  Which is where the idea of a gratitude journal comes in.

Of course in the UK we don't celebrate Thanksgiving like our friends in the States do.  Their celebrations are based on the harvest - which we usually celebrate in September.

Once I started planning the blog posts the whole thing grew into something much larger than my original thoughts.  SO if you're not an art journaler, don't worry.  There will be something for the scrapbooker, the feltmaker, the quilter or for the person who does not consider him/herself to be creative in any way. (Which by the way is NOT true!)

Why keep a Gratitude Journal?
You can Google gratitude journal (as I did) and you will come up with thousands of websites.  However they all seem to be in agreement that living a thankful lifestyle enables you to be more mindful of the moment, more creative, healthier and happier.

Here's a great article about gratitude.

And here's a scrapbook page I did some time ago.

Thanks for dropping by.  I hope you will come back next Thursday to find out more about how this prompt/challenge blog will work.
